jQuery event trigger namespace

jQuery event namespaces allow you to separate event listeners.

// bind click listeners
$element.on( 'click.alpha', function() {
  console.log('Alpha click');
$element.on( 'click.beta', function() {
  console.log('Beta click');
// unbind alpha click listener only

EDIT The rest of this post is false I had thought I verified this, but alas, no. Triggering with a namespace will not trigger that event without the namespace.

They can also be used when triggering events, to specify where that event came from.


I’m using namespace triggering in Flickity, as a way to distinguish Flickity’s select event from the native select event.

// create jQuery event from original event object
var $event = jQuery.Event( event );
// set type, like select.flickity
$event.type = type + '.flickity';
this.$element.trigger( $event, args );